Friday, December 11, 2009

The Lonely Unicorn

"Sammy! Please hurry," an exasperated voice pleaded. It was my mother she troted back to me and nudged me onward. I sighed... this was my worst nightmare. I'd been dreading this moment all summer. School was starting. I let out another snort.

"Quit that Sammy! You should be happy for a change in pace," She said, but I saw her shoot me a look that told me something different - she was worried about me.

Lately, I'd been spending a considerable amount of time alone, in the darkest part of the forest called the Dark Spot. I know the other unicorn teenagers aren't very creative when it comes to naming hangouts. It's all because of the confuddling powder they've been receiving in large quantities from the inner forest dwelling unicorns.. Well my mother is worried that I'm using the confuddling powder too, but I was actually there for a very different reason. Mindy. The hottest unicorn in the entire carrot grade! (That would translate to 12th grade). The only reason I hung out at the Dark Spot was to watch her, and quite possibly pluck up the courage to ask her to share my hay with me. Usually she shared her hay with Leopold the largest unicorn in carrot grade.

Last year at school I was bullied by Leopold and his gang; they jokingly call themselves the Uni Mafia, but the real Mafia is located in the big city not here in little po-dunk Rainforest Ridge. Mindy would sometimes laugh at me I think... I couldn't really tell because Leopold was shoving my head in a tree trunk.

Anyway you can see why I would dread this moment.. School starting, but my mother would never understand why I hated it so much.

She gave me a quick peck on the cheek, "Bye Sammy have a good day!" Then my mother cantered away. And I was caught up in the throng of unicorns heading out to their first lesson. As I stumbled backwards I caught a glimpse of Leopold and Mindy! Leopold sneered at me, "Heyyy Sammmm-meee. I saw your mom drop you off. That's real cute. Did you tell her you woved her too?"
I dropped my eyes to the ground. Mindy's musical laugh could be heard as she and Leopold walked by me, and Leopold stepped on my tail without me knowing it and I fell flat on my face!

"So much for playing it cool on the first day," I thought in dispair.

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