Monday, September 7, 2009

Planet Ota-Part 2

It was Fleeing Dust's firsh crush ever. She had never spoken to him before, but only admired the handsome stallion. He was very tall and built of lean muscle. Otter Head was puny compared to him, but she couldn't help feeling guilty as she went over to speak to the handsome stallion.

"Hi Moon Horn," Fleeing Dust said shyly. The stallion turned his head looking above the she-unicorn. "Down here." He looked down and looked indifferent as he looked at the she-unicorn. Fleeing Dust gasped as she looked into his face. His nose was covered in black and his eyes were bloodshot. He had been using the confuddling powder!

Fleeing Dust turned away from Moon Horn, and galloped as fast as she could away from the pier. The Uni Cop slowed her to a hault and checked her for signs of confuddling powder. There were none, and the Cop looked worried.

"Hun, if there is anything I can do let me know." She must have thought my friends forced me to come here, Fleeing Dust thought.

"I'm fine," Fleeing Dust said taughtly and trotted toward her sleeping grounds. Fleeing Dust couldn't believe Moon Horn would do that to himself, what if Otter Head did too! It'd be all her fault too! She had to stop him, and show him she loved him at the same time. That's not hard at all. She thought with severe sarcasm. She took a deep breath in and came to her resting posisition, and let sleep overcome her.


Otter Head opened his eyes as if he were seeing the sunrise for the very first time. He got himself up and yawned with tiredness. The first thought that came to his head was Fleeing Dust helping him. He looked around for, but couldn't find her. Right now he wished he knew where her sleeping place was. "Fleeing Dust?" He called but the only response he got was a loud "shhhhh."

Giving up he headed toward the pickle tree that Fleeing Dust planted. He couldn't stop thinking about her pink coat and her beautiful horn, and her ice blue eyes. When he actually saw her he thought it was just his imagination, but it truly was her.

"Fleeing Dust, I-I've been looking all over for you." He said with a little guilt.
"You have?" Her tone was mild and soft.
"Yes, Fleeing Dust, I-," Fleeing Dust finished his words for him.
"I love you!" They both loved each other? How do these things happen. Otter Head's thoughts were lingering with curiosity and joy. They could be together now.
"Oh Fleeing Dust, I love you too," They touched their horns together and became mates. And they lived happily ever after.

The End

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